Monday, August 11, 2014

A World Reborn by New Dimensions Media

Theodore Rabb
Hi, All! We watched this 30 min. film today. It is currently FREE for Amazon Prime members (and on YouTube -see below). My kids are 8 & 11. I found it to be a good and quick overview of the Renaissance. It wasn't too biased in any one direction and there weren't bloody re-enactments of war. It was mostly illustrated by paintings. The historian narrating (Theodore Rabb) assumed familiarity with some things, like who were Luther and Copernicus, so I had to stop a few times and give just a little background information, but those stops would be a great jumping-off points for more in-depth study! I suggest watching it with your kids to see where they have interest or questions and then finding books or films to facilitate discussion. Enjoy!

I have found it on YouTube as well. It is broken into pieces, but there is an additional short introduction that wasn't in the Amazon version.

Updated on 3/25/2020.